Посвящение Фильмам Юрия Мамина/Dedication to the Yury Mamin’s Films

Наше Посвящение ко Дню Рождения Юрия Мамина основано на мелодиях из всех его фильмов. Our Dedication - or My DADYcation - to my Father, film director Yury Mamin’s Birthday, based on the music from all his movies. Катерина Ксеньева/Katerina Ksenyeva (USA) и ансамбль Град Квартет (Россия) and Grad Quartet (Russia) ----------------------------------------------------------  YURI MAMIN’S FILMOGRAPHY “I WISH YOU“ (graduation work, comedy), screenplay by V. Leikin (1982) Award (Winner) at the Film Festival of Young Cinematograthers in Kiev, 1982 “NEPTUNE’S HOLIDAY“, screenplay by V. Vardunas (1986) Golden Ducat Award at the International Film Festival in Manheim, Germany, 1986 Grand Prize at the International Film Festival in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 1987 Grand Prizes at film festivals in Moscow, Kiev and Tbilisi, 1988-1989. “FOUNTAIN“, screenplay by V. Vardunas (1988) Grand Prize at the International Film Festival “Golden Duke“
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