Video by Natalia Kruglyakova

Taken from the album: Hanukkah songs - comprehensive collection of Hanukkah songs. Famous songs in Hebrew, English and Yiddish. Songs of all time, traditional and folk performances by leading artists from Israel. Listen to the Full album:h In this album you can find 35 Hanukkah songs - Maoz Tzur - Mi Y’malel - Who Can Retell - For The Chanukah - Sung In English - The Days Of Chanukah (Yemei Hachanuka) - Sung In English - Chag Sameach (Hanukkah) - Hasevivon Sheli (My dreidel) - Chanukah Oh Chanukah (Yiddish) - Yemei HaHanukkah (Days of Hanukkah) - Ner Li Dakik (I have a Candle) - Sufganiyah (Donut) - Sevivon sov sov sov (SPINNING TOP) - Hanukkah Medley in Yiddish - Avi Hedlik Nerot Li (My father lit candles for Hanukkah) - Hanukkah (Hanukkah Today) - Hanukkah Latkes - Hedliko Nerot (Lit candles) - Simu Shemen (Pour oil) - I Have A Little Dreidl - Sung In English - The Feast Of Chanukah (Chag Hachunuka) - Sung In English - Haneirot Halalu (These candles) - Hanukkah Blessing - Hava Narima - Banu Choshech Legaresh (WE CAME TO DRIVE AWAY THE DARKNESS) - Hag Hanukkah (Holiday of Hanukkah) - Lich’vod Hachanukkah (For Hanukkah) - Hanukkah Hag Yafe (Beautiful Hanukkah) - Hanukkah Driidal (Yiddish) - Hanukia Li Yesh (I have a Hanukia) - Kad Katan (Small jug)
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