If You Want Pizza, Do This Workout

In today’s video I attempt the “Eat A WHOLE Pizza Workout Challenge“ that I found on the internet! The workout claims to burn the calories of an entire medium sized pepperoni pizza! I take on the full body workout then head out to get the BEST pizza in town! Hope you all enjoy the video, thank YOU for watching! TRY THE WORKOUT OUT: Patterson’s Pizza: Pizza Oatmeal Recipe: - 1/2 cup Oats - 1/2 cup Chicken/veg stock - 1/2 cup tomato sauce - 30g Low Fat Cheese - 10 slices turkey pepperoni - Salt, garlic powder, oregano to taste ** Cook the oats in the stock and tomato sauce until desired consistency. Season with salt, garlic powder and oregano ** Top with cheese and pepperoni and broil in oven until cheese is golden brown BARE PERFORMANCE NUTRITION SUPPS- CODE '
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