Autodesk Fusion 360 | PIX Moving uses Fusion 360 to innovate autonomous driving

PIX Moving is a Chinese company that is rebuilding cities with autonomous mobility. Rather than traveling across town to access the service – fast food, a mobile office, exercise booths – the service comes to you. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and innovative tools like Generative Design, 3D Printing and Robotics, PIX Moving is creating a decentralized, distributed and user-participated way of manufacturing. PIX Moving has created the world’s first open-source autonomous vehicle. It is built using AI technology and digital manufacturing, which makes the mass production of customizable vehicles cost-effective. Products are designed with generative design in Autodesk Fusion 360. Generative design harnesses artificial intelligence to quickly calculate the most optimized component design for the physical and cost parameters we provide to the program. These technologies enable shorter lead times to market reduced material waste, and the flexibility to give our customers a comparative advantage. To lear
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