H.P. Lovecraft, “Fungi from Yuggoth“ — I. The Book (Illustrated by Midjourney AI)

“Fungi from Yuggoth“ is a sequence of 36 sonnets by H. P. Lovecraft. This is the story of the soul that beheld other realities and dimensions in its seek of something more poetic and thrilling than our gray daily routine. This video represents the first sonnet and the beginning of the story. Each line was illustrated by Midjourney. Let me know in comments if you wanna see other sonnets illustrated, and if I should record my voice reading them in addition to illustrations. ______ The place was dark and dusty and half-lost In tangles of old alleys near the quays, Reeking of strange things brought in from the seas, And with queer curls of fog that west winds tossed. Small lozenge panes, obscured by smoke and frost, Just shewed the books, in piles like twisted trees, Rotting from floor to roof—congeries Of crumbling elder lore at little cost. I entered, charmed, and from a cobwebbed heap Took up the nearest tome and thumbed it through, Trembling at curious
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