deadmau5 / testpilot @ Day of the Deadmau5, Red Rocks (US) []

Deadmau5 / Testpilot set from Red Rocks November 5th, 2021. Phone memory kept filling up so there are a few cuts throughout the set. Upon entry, the security caught my selfie stick so the video is pretty shaky from holding the phone and moving throughout the night. *Deadmau5* Imaginary Friends Aravitia Three Pound Chicken Wing w/ Beneath with Me SATRN COASTED Arguru 2k19 Bridged by a Lightwave Monophobia Moar Ghosts n Stuff Ghosts n Stuff (Chuckie remix) Ghosts n Stuff Maths Maths (Covra Effect Remix) Channel 43 Nextra Cthulhu Sleeps When Summer Dies (Lights) Raise your Weapon (Lights) Raise your Weapon (Noisia Remix) Drama Free (Lights) Antisec (YTcracker) *Testpilot* Torres Vedra 8am - Temudo Forward - Blenk Jack Dat by Ackermann Feat. Raphael Dincsoy w/ Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Daft Punk Sometimes Things Get, Whatever w/ TWR72 Mouth Coyu - Newoldgen (Marcal Remix) Mind Awake - Wehbba D
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