Arias for Giulia Grisi (1811-1869): Bellini, Donizetti, Balfe

Giulia Grisi (1811-1869) is another great creator, mostly known for singing in the world premiere of Norma (Adalgisa), I Puritani (Elvira) and Don Pasquale (Norina). She’s created ten roles in total, from which only 3 are part of the current repertoire (Norina, Adalgisa, Elvira). Like Verdi’s Falstaf, Balfe’s work is also an ensemble opera, but Alice Ford has two cavatinas which require great coloratura skills. Like Adalgisa, Adelia from Ugo, conte di Parigi does not have a great solo scene, but the duets with the other soprano (Giuditta Pasta) are astonishing. In fact, there are many similarities between these two works, Norma and Ugo, conte di Parigi, both being written for Grisi and Pasta. However, Norma became part of the main repertoire, whereas Ugo was abandoned after only five performances. Vincenzo Bellini, Norma (1831) : Adalgisa 00:00:00 Duet Act one Norma-Adalgisa “Oh! Rimembranza!...Ah! Sì, fa core e abbracciami“ Lella Cuberli (Adalgisa), Gr
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