PRINCE - Deliverance (Unreleased - Full Album)

Deliverance is an unreleased track recorded in 2006, at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota and released on 4/21/2017. The EP Deliverance is considered an unofficial bootleg release, with the versions of the songs on it unofficial remixes. As such, the songs are considered unreleased, despite their short availability on mainstream music sites. The tracks include: 1) Deliverance - 00:001 2) I Am - 03:45 3) Touch Me - 06:21 4) Sunrise, Sunset - 08:00 5) No One Else - 09:12 6) I Am (Extended) - 12:04 Recording Personnel PRINCE - all vocals and instruments (assumed) THE TWINZ - background vocals
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