Top Rope Solo with Petzl Shunt CAN Kill You - the Scorpion Catch

Two climbers recently had accidents when top rope solo climbing using the Petzl Shunt without backups. I played with the device quite a bit and came up with a dangerous way it can catch: the Scorpion Catch. First accident some details here: Second accident some details here: Third accident (from the comments of this video): Emmanuele: I am the third climber... Accident in august. 2 meters’ free fall using shunt. Had no backup at that time because still didnt land on petzl webpage, i wasnt prepared enough... 15 days of absence from work. almost broken ankle in “Vecchiano“ crag. one month with crutches. Italians stole all my equipment I had to left in the crag. I was doing a traverse movement when Shunt just... disengaged. I saw the shunt just disengaging when rope wasin a traverse configuration. Also 13 accidents identified in this discussion thread:
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