Russian consonants | Sounds Д, С, К and Е | Soft consonants| Syllables

In this video we continue getting acquainted with the #Russiansounds and #Russianconsonants. Here you will hear hard and #softconsonants. Try to repeat after us and #happylearning and #training Content: The letter Д - 0:06 На́ or на - 2:35 The letter С - 2:52 The softening letter Е - 5:36 The letter К - 15:48 Advice: Learn how to read russian consonants studying #consonantclusters to comprehend better spoken speech. If you struggle to read a word, split syllables. For teaching Russian pronunciation had been used and translated: Букварь для будущих отличников под редакцией Олеси Жуковой ___________________________ABOUT ME____________________________________ I am a a self-educated language lover and a trainee in teaching the subject(s) I am passionate about. CONTACT INFORMATION: Official group: Instagram: __________________________ABOUT MARKINTRAVEL________________________ Markintravel is an online language and fitness co
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