Conan Gray - The Story (Lyrics)

Wrote this song about me and my friends’ childhoods. There were times growing up that I thought life would never get better. That life would always be that painful. But I promise, it’s never the end of the story. My debut album “Kid Krow“ comes out March 20th. Presave/order here: Stream “The Story“ here: Lyrics: Let me tell you a story About a boy and a girl It’s kinda short kinda boring But the end is a whirl They were just sixteen When the people were mean So they didn’t love themselves And now they’re gone Headstones on a lawn And when I was younger I knew a boy and a boy Best friends with each other But always wished they were more ‘Cause they loved one another But never discovered ‘cause they were too afraid Of what they’d say Moved to different states Oh, and I’m afraid that’s just the way the world works It ain’t fun
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