Songs about parents – Kalmyk Collection

Piurvia Volodkina sings folk songs dedicated to parents VLACH ID-number: kalm1244RUV0024a Description: Piurvia Volodkina performs Kalmyk folk songs, which she first heard from her mother. The first song is a variant of the widely spread “Orphan song“, which is about parents. The second one is a soldier’s “message“. In this song, a man who at war asks a companion to deliver farewell letters to his parents and beloved friend. Cite as: Aavə́-eeǧín tuskə́ dud – Songs about parents; performer: Piurvia Volodkina, camera/ interview: Ioana Aminian, Thede Kahl, interview assistant: Tatiana Oliusheva, transcription/ translation/ editor: Chingis Azydov, retrieved from , ID-number: kalm1244RUV0024a. You can access our Kalmyk video/audio/transcription collection on our website: About VLACH The Commission Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage (VLACH) aims to contribute to the academic knowledge of the world’s linguistic diversity by
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