Franz Liszt ‒ Album d’un voyageur, S156: Impressions et Poésies

Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886), Album d’un voyageur S156: I. Impressions et Poésies (1834/8) Performed by Ashley Wass 00:00 - No 1: Lyon 07:28 - No 2a: Le lac de Wallenstadt 11:27 - No 2b: Au bord d’une source 15:50 - No 3: Les cloches de G***** 28:19 - No 4: Vallée d’Obermann 43:18 - No 5: La chapelle de Guillaume Tell 50:27 - No 6: Psaume The Album d’un Voyageur is the first important published collection of Liszt’s early maturity and, although much of the collection was to be revised and the rest unacco
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