Painting New Bolt Action US Rangers - And a Little Knife Work! [How I Paint Things]
Being a Ranger was not for the faint of heart. It’s worth reading up on the missions spearheaded by the Ranger battalions during Operations Husky and Overlord, but suffice to say here, Rangers paid a heavy toll for their victories. All carefully-vetted volunteers, being a Ranger meant being the tip of the spear during amphibious invasions. Perhaps made most famous by ’Saving Private Ryan,’ the Rangers after D-Day would regularly be used as “firefighters,“ sent wherever the need was greatest and the situation most dire to stomp out the threat and save the day.
I’ve included in the links an article titled ’Beyond the Beach’ which makes for enlightening further reading!
Warlord Games
’Beyond the Beach’
’The Wargamer’s Guide to US Uniform’
’Highlight Anything with Ivory’
00:00 - Intro
01:13 - Counting Rivets and Shaving Trousers
03:37 - Priming Notes
04:12 - Basecoats
11:13 - Shading
12:39 - Highlighting & Finishing Touches
17:30 - The Finished Ranger
Thanks to Producer Patrons Alan, Kyrie, Andrew, Jimmy, Rod, Phil, Robison, Woodcock, David Kinney, and Matt Dischner - as well as all the other Patrons that made this video possible, and Exit23 Games for recording equipment that helps keep the channel ticking over! Find out more at the following links:
A thick layer of Vallejo Brown Earth texture paint, followed by an overbrush of Dark Sand, then a light drybrush of Pale Sand. Paint the base rim in Brown Sand, and done!
Bone White (Vallejo Spray Primer)
German Camo Beige
US Field Drab
Dark Sand
US Olive Drab
Beige Brown
Leather Brown
German Grey
Flat Brown
Dark Prussian Blue
Cadian Fleshtone (Layer)
Kislev Flesh (Layer)
Agrax Earthshade (Shade)
Lahmian Medium (Technical)
Varnish (Instar)
’Ardcoat (Citadel Technical)