What if jingle bells were black metal!!! Black metal Christmas

What if Black metal drummer likes Jingle bells, this happens. Fast & creepy black metal drumming to popular Christmas song with double bass and blast beats drumming. What do you think, let me know in the comment below. ◄ Drum ♪♪♫: ◄ My GEAR: SUBSCRIBE: Video on page Keep it metal: ☠ Death metal drum covers: ☠ Black metal drum covers: ☠ LIVE: ☠ DRUM CHALLENGES: ☠ FUNNY videos: ☠ Christmas songs: ☠ Sabian Cymbals drumming: ☠ Blast beats in ordinary songs: ☠ Corpsepaint covers: ☠ Slovenske pesmi / Slovenian songs: ☠ Balkan songs: --- --- --- --- --- ◄ WATCH my BLACK METAL drum covers ↓↓↓↓ ANAAL ATHRAKH - Forging towards th
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