7個閨蜜在廣州造房同住:老了後,我們才是彼此的依靠 7 Girlfriends in Guangzhou Build a House to Live Together

2018年,70後女生金杜在廣州近郊找到了一棟700㎡的毛胚房,花400萬改造,作為20年以後,自己和6個好姐妹一起住的房子,實現閨蜜共同養老的願望。鄉村廚房、懸空玻璃屋、以及巨型榻榻米……到處都是適合7個女生共同生活的美好空間。金杜說:“別人只是隨便說說,但我們真的做到了。” In 2018, Jin Du, a post-70 found a 700-m2 rough cast house in suburban Guangzhou and spent 4 million renovating it into a place for her retired life with her 6 girlfriends. Rural kitchen, hanging glass room and huge tatami... there’re plenty of things for girls to live together. “People just say it casually. And we make it happen.” 訂閱一條 ▶
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