Russia - Elizabeth II Dinner At The Kremlin

(18 Oct 1994) Queen Elizabeth II attended a black tie dinner at the Kremlin on Tuesday (18/10) hosted by Russian President Boris Yeltsin. In her speech the Queen said that she, along with many others thought the visit could never happen. SHOWS: MOSCOW, RUSSIA 18/10 AGPOOL queen and yeltsin enter banquet hall cu queen and yeltsin seated ws yeltsin stands for speech ms yeltsin speech: “dear welcome our special guest...“ cu queen listening cu hurd and yeltsin wife naina seated more yeltsin speech yeltsin and queen toast drinks queen standing makes speech: “spent most of our lives thinking meeting would not am the first british soveirgn to visit the future we shall work together..“ ws queen speech continues Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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