“When we were children, we dreamt of getting into a giant kaleidoscope and looking at the endless reflections from the inside. Today we have opened a portal to this enigmatic universe.“ Kuflex In 2017, Leksha Yankov made the music for the interactive “Exhibition Kuflex #1“ at the “Light Gallery of Abrau“. The exhibition is active to this day, and features many interactive installations from the Kuflex studio with music by Leksha Yankov, including the “Portal“. The “Portal“ installation is a mirror tunnel, which can be entered from one side. On the other - it is closed by a large LED screen. Getting to the “Portal“, you become a sci-fi movie hero. The image on the screen turns into an infinite plane due to numerous reflections. In real time, a video sequence with a sound is generated, and like in a kaleidoscope, all visuals are never repeated. About the Portal:
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