Large Magnetic Levitator

Update 7/21/2022: STL files for the levitator have been uploaded :5438518 In this video I’m going to show how to build a attractive-type (“hanging“) magnetic levitator. This is the easiest type of levitator to build, because the electromagnet only operates with one polarity, and only requires a single sensor and transistor to operate. A repulsion-type levitator requires sensors for X and Y position, and 4 coils with their own individual H-bridge drivers. The electromagnet is built from a 2“ x 6“ solid steel cylinder as a core, and 600 turns of 16-gauge wire. The longest distance I’ve managed to attract a large N52 magnet was about 9 inches using 20 amps of current, but the coil heats up very fast with that much current. In this video, the magnets shown are hovering just outside the region where the ferromagnetic attraction to the core would overcome gravity, so the levitator
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