Vanilla Dun Morogh - Music & Ambience (3 hours, World of Warcraft Classic)
The remade video here:
Dear viewer, I present you a 3 hours music & ambience of Dun Morogh (World of Warcraft Vanilla) in which I combine the ambient atmosphere from Dun Morogh and the original music from Vanilla (most of it composed by Jason Hayes).
Homeland of the Ironforge dwarves and ruled by mighty Bronzebeard Clan, Dun Morogh is the center of dwarven culture and ingenuity. The capital city of the dwarven realm, Ironforge, lies within Ironforge Mountain in Dun Morogh’s iced heart.
Dwarves and their allies range out from Ironforge, trying to hold a diminishing protectorate against encroaching enemies on all sides (Troggs, Trolls, Dark Irons).
Southwest of Ironforge is Coldridge Valley, which hosts the dwarven smithing enclave of Anvilmar. Northwest of Ironforge’s massive stone battlements is the ancient city of Gnomeregan. This ruined city was once home to the Ironforge gnomes, but savage Caverndeep troggs devastated the populace and drove the survivors away to Ironforge as refugees.
To Ironforge’s west is Frostmane Hold, home of the aggressive Frostmane ice trolls.
00:00:11 Day Mountain 1
00:02:11 Day Mountain 2
00:03:18 Day Mountain 3
00:04:39 Night Mountain 1
00:05:43 Night Mountain 2
00:06:46 Night Mountain 3
00:07:55 Night Mountain 4
00:08:59 Dun Morogh OST (Original Sound Track)
00:30:00 Zone Gnomeregan 1
00:31:04 Zone Gnomeregan 2
00:55:00 Intro: Moment Swamp 1
01:25:00 WoW Tavern 1 (aka Alliance Tavern 1)
01:25:51 WoW Tavern 2 (aka Alliance Tavern 2)
02:30:00 Night Evil Forest 1
02:30:57 Night Evil Forest 2
02:32:12 Night Evil Forest 3
The music tracks extend for a period of 3 hours and they are all the time marked in the Dun Morogh music & ambience video
The composer for Day Moutain, Dun Morogh, Night Evil Forest, Moment Swamp and WoW Tavern (aka Alliance Tavern) music is Jason Hayes
The composer for Gnomeregan music is Derek Duke
All areas from Dun Morogh (World of Warcraft Vanilla) can be found the movie; you can find the main areas here:
00:00:00 Coldridge Valley & Pass
00:17:30 Frostmane Hold
00:25:00 Gnomeregan
00:40:00 Brewnall Village
00:55:00 Shimmer Ridge
01:05:00 Ironforge Gate
01:15:00 Kharanos & Thunderbrew Distillery
01:35:00 The Grizzled Den & Chill Breeze Valley
01:45:00 Steelgrill’s Depot
02:00:00 Amberstill Ranch
02:25:00 Gol’Bolar Quarry
02:35:00 Helm’s Bed Lake & Ironband’s Compound
02:47:30 North Gate Pass & Outpost
02:52:30 South Gate Pass & Outpost
02:59:00 Don’t click!!!
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
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