Sega Dreamcast Seamen Preview Commercial - WEIRD GAME!

Shop Amazon Deals Here: The “Seaman“ is a form of freshwater fish (the color and shape of the fins suggest that it is a Carp) with a very lifelike human face. It possesses human mannerisms and behavior with which the player interacts. Seaman is considered a unique video game in that it presents limited action. The player’s role is to feed and care for Seaman, while providing him with the company that he needs. In fact, the player is required to check on the Seaman every day of real time, or he could die. A portion of Seaman’s knowledge is random trivia. When he asks what the player’s birthday is (and the player responds via the microphone input), Seaman will then share significant events which happened on that date. The Seaman becomes fairly domesticated, but this does not prevent it from insulting the player or constructing less-than-friendly remarks. The player is provided with an unhatched Seaman egg at the beginning of the game and through various terms of development and conditions develops and interacts with it. By using various buttons on the Dreamcast controller, the player controls all of the machinery and physical contact with the mysterious creature. The player is also provided with multiple Seamen for breeding and interaction purposes. Over the course of the game, it is required of the player to evolve their Seaman to different stages in its life cycle, eventually transforming into a frog-like creature outlined on the Disc’s cover.
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