What are the omniverse defense forces \ Bring back Filthy Frank [ ENG SUBS]

What are the omniverse defense forces \ Bring back Filthy Frank [ ENG SUBS] hello b0ss , my name is proffesor Astorath This is pilot part of video books \ boomer dictionary about things that have long been out of fashion or gone It may seem to you that this is necrophilia in relation to the filthy frank universe. Then I pity you But one wise man said to do what you like - after which everything will be fine with you _____________________________________________________________________ Для подбписчиков Я не пытаюсь вернуть филти френка - я лишь хочу сделать свою историю и концовку этой, легендарной интернет саги. Надеюсь получится хорошо. Subscribe and enjoy it
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