5 Days on Japan’s LONGEST Bullet Train Route 🇯🇵 | 2300km Long-Distance-Journey
Today we will ride the current longest Shinkansen route, a distance of 2300km from Kagoshima to the north to Hakodate. Will not try to go all the way all at once but stop and stuff to enjoy the food and attractions the Shinkansen routes have to offer!
Fee: £250/$300/¥50,000/₹25,000/€300/C$450/₩450,000/₽30,000
Train: A lot
Seat: A lot
Experience: That sushi at the end was good.
0:00 Introduction
0:37 Map & Cost
1:07 Kagoshima-Kumamoto
8:58 Kumamoto-Hakata
14:32 Hakata-Hiroshima
20:51 Hiroshima-Osaka
29:14 Osaka-Nagoya
37:06 Nagoya-Hamamatsu
42:50 Hamamatsu-Fuji
46:57 Fuji-Tokyo
49:12 Tokyo-Utsunomiya
56:36 Utsunomiya-Sendai
1:02:20 Sendai-Morioka
1:09:08 Morioka-Aomori
1:17:49 Aomori-Hakodate
1:24:55 Thanks for watching!
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