Оригинальное видео:
Blinding my sight with your dead lights.
A thousand little Paris Hilton parasites
spreading apathy like a disaeses.
Medusas that seduce ya to be empty
market leechis wanna crowl far
on backs of the workers petty bourgeois.
Say it comes round but I know what trickies down’n
that ain’t prosperity that’s bleeding inta this ground
when the axe swing it’s always our throats.
So don’t tell me that we are in the same boat.
Bleeding us dry while your pigs fly.
It’s ain’t a brown man that tried to cut my pay.
It’s ain’t white man that took my rights away.
It’s ain’t black man that sold me down the line.
It was rich man every fucking time
You attack the workers.
You persecute the poor.
And then you stand there and tell me there is no class war. Don’t pretend to me
you ain’t a friend to me.
You are just a/ You ain’t nothing but a class enemy.
You attack the workers.
You persecute the poor.
And then you stand there and tell me there is no class war. Don’t pretend to me!
You ain’t a friend to me.
You are just a/ You ain’t nothing but a
Time to downsize rational-lies
foreclosures rose so did the suicides.
Crumbs on the floor lock the factory door
they are in limousine off to screw more poor.
Jobs overseas, start a roomtur please.
Blame the slave for the plantation owners greed.
Another sweetshop where oppression don’t stop.
They tried to organize, union man got shot
Cause multy-nationals are unacountable.
Profits mandatory, human rights optional,
still the TV chants corporation
to pay the wealthy, to keep the poor free.
Don’t try to sell me your little corporative pitch
and don’t tell me it’s our market bitch.
Cause you and me got nothing in commons.
Roar you hear is what comes when
You attack the workers.
You persecute the poor.
And then you stand there and tell me
there is no class war.
Don’t pretend to me
you ain’t a friend to me.
You are just a/ You ain’t nothing but a
You attack the workers.
You persecute the poor.
And then you stand there and tell me
there is no class war.
Don’t pretend to me
you ain’t a friend to me.
You are just a/ You ain’t nothing but a
You show me rich, show me famous,
show me this like it’s a game.
I got just two words left to say:
You show me banquets that cost millions.
I show you starving children.
This greed puts them in their graves.
You make resistance against the law
then wonder why they’re kicking in you door
This is ain’t terrorist attack.
It’s just us fighting back
against injustice that you cause when
You attack the workers.
You persecute the poor.
And then you stand there
and tell me there is no class war.
Don’t pretend to me you ain’t a friend to me.
You are just a/ You ain’t nothing but a
You attack the workers.
You persecute the poor.
And then you stand there
and tell me there is no class war.
Don’t pretend to me you ain’t a friend to me.
You are just a/ You ain’t nothing but a
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