🔴 Easily Manage MongoDB in VS Code: The Winning Combo for Peak Efficiency (Дата оригинальной публикации: )
With the MongoDB for VS Code Extension now generally available (GA), it is easier than ever to use a single unified interface (VS Code) that you already know and love to work with your application data from MongoDB side-by-side with your application code for a more streamlined software development experience. The extension allows you to connect to your MongoDB deployment on Atlas or your local machine so you can explore and query your data from your favorite IDE. You can also view database schema and indexes to optimize your data model, and use the Playgrounds feature or access the MongoDB Shell for more advanced scripting operations during code development. And with the most recent release of the extension in GA, intelligent autocomplete for MongoDB’s Query API and optimizations to the Playgrounds experience make for an even more delightful experience.
00:00 Livestream begins
00:37 Welcome to the VS Code Livestream
01:17 Throwback TikTok Thursday
03:35 Welcome Jesse Hall, Senior Developer Advocate, MongoDB
04:50 Intro MongoDB for VS Code
05:55 Demo begins
49:40 Q&A
54:36 Lightning Round
01:00:00 Connect and learn more
01:01:00 Wrap
Community Links:
Install MongoDB
VS Code Extension
MongoDB Dev Center
MondoDB YouTube
Featuring: Reynald Adolphe (@ReynaldAdolphe), Jesse Hall (@codeSTACKr), MongoDB ([club29943911|@MongoDB])
#MongoDB #code #vscode
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