Out On My Own| MLP: FIM Cover

Hello guys! I know that I haven’t been posting in a while (not like I have many subscribers or anything lol), but here’s a vocal cover of Out On My Own from s6! One of my fav songs ever 😄 Vocals, editing, harmonies by: Yours truly Instrumental: #mlp #mylittlepony #applebloom (just a short message: I’m barely doing my Apple Bloom impression, I’m legitmate just singing about how I’m scared that me and my friends irl might not get to talk much with school stuff because we’re busy.) Message to my friends irl: Hey guys! You guys don’t have to watch this video lol, just read this message. I know that just because we’re busy (well in my case, I’ll start next week but whatever), does not mean that we’re less going to be friends. We may not get all the time to talk and meet up but, we may not get to message or call each other anytime we want but that doesn’t mean that we won’t
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