War of the Roses Bowmen Speed-paint with Contrast Paints, Inks and Metallics over Brown and Khaki
Following on from experiments with Halford’s Camouflage Brown, Army Painter Leather Brown and Halford’s Camouflage Khaki spray priming, here is a full guide to speed-painting 28mm Perry plastic War of the Roses bowmen.
Paints used:
Prime Halford’s Camouflage Brown, Army Painter Leather Brown from 45 degrees, and Halford’s Camouflage Khaki from above. You could alternatively just use Citadel Wraithbone.
Drybrush the whole model with GW Pallid Wych Flesh
Paint skin GW Pallid Wych Flesh
GW Tin Bitz (Vallejo Game Color Tinny Tin)
GW Contrast Blood Angels Red
GW Contrast Snakebite Leather
GW Contrast Bascilicanum Grey
GW Contrast Skeleton Horde
GW Contrast Darkoath Flesh
Coat d’arms Chestnut Ink
Coat d’arms Brown Ink
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