Moranbong Band - Day and night I think of you, Leader (자나깨나 수령님을 생각합니다)

모란봉악단 - 자나깨나 수령님을 생각합니다 Music: Ri Jongo (리종오) Text: Yun Du-gun (윤두근) Vocal: Sonu Hyang-hui (선우향희) Hong Su-kyong (홍수경) Cha Yong-mi (차영미) Yu Un-jong (유은정) Jon Hye-ryon (전혜련) Recorded: Mokran Video DPRK Here the string quartet and bass player surprisingly act as singers. The Moranbong Band normally strive towards perfection in every detail but with this song they try the right opposite! The untrained voices add to the sincerity turning the song to a sort of personal confession.
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