Polite requests and questions | Spoken English

In this spoken English lesson, you will learn several methods to make polite requests and ask questions. They are examples of formal English. A request is when we ask someone for something, either an object or perhaps asking someone to do something for us. Since we are asking for help, it is important to be polite. We must avoid being too direct. Examples of being too direct in English: Help me, please. Give me some sugar. Can you fix my car? These are all correct. The English grammar is correct. The other person will understand you but these requests are too direct and aggressive. People will be offended. Here are some structures to ask politely for something in spoken English. These are very useful, particularly in business English situations. Could you .. ? Could you base form of verb ? Example: Could you carry my bags? Would you mind .. ? Would you mind ing form of verb … ? Example: Would you mind helping me? I wonder if you could .. ? I wonder if you could base form of verb … ? Example: I
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