Is A Benelli M4 Clone Really Worth Half The Price? - Orthos Arms S4
“Turknellis“ AKA Benelli M4 clones imported from turkey have an interesting reputation. from one side you hear great things and how awesome they work. from the other side you hear about malfunctions and jams. Orthos Arms reached out with their take on the Turknelli, claiming to have fixed all the common Turkish clone QC issues with some out of the box upgrades.
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Night vision - Goonin Gear.
The Benelli M4 is a semi-automatic shotgun produced by Italian firearm manufacturer Benelli Armi SpA, and the fourth and last model of the Benelli Super 90 line of semi-automatic shotguns. The M4 uses a proprietary action design called the “auto-regulating gas-operated“ (ARGO) system, which was created specifically for the weapon. Designed in 1998, the M4 was adopted by the armed forces of Italy, the United States, and United Kingdom, among others, and has been used in a variety of conflicts.