Playground Tutorial Thinking Outside Of The Box

Playground Tutorial Thinking Outside Of The Box. Hello everyone! This is a very specific tutorial on how to create a centaur and I realize not everyone would want to create one. However the concept can apply to may different things. Sometimes there might be limitations on what you can prompt and it may be a better idea to get creative and find a solution by editing your images a particular way to get the results you want. Prompt for the man: muscular greek man standing poised on a mountain top, nature mountains background Prompt for the horse: horse standing poised on a mountain top, nature mountains background Final prompt for the centaur: analog photo of a human Centaur, wearing skyrim armor, standing poised, mountains of Thessaly and Arcadia, high details Negative Prompt: ugly, nsfw, nude, cgi, 3d, 2d, drawing, sketch, painting, blurry, smooth Music by Artlist Find us on Playground AI Discord
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