Our smallest outboards—Portables—have some pretty big news for 2019.
The lineup already boasts the water’s lightest 25-horsepower outboard. Now,
there’s an exciting, new high-thrust version of our groundbreaking F25—the
new T25. In addition, there’s an all-new, redesigned F20. From small sailboats
to jons and tenders to inflatables, the family offers travel-size power in
horses perfect for your boat and application. With the smallest model
weighing just 37 pounds, you can take a Yamaha portable just about
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【YAMAHA PSR-E383】レビュー!/E373と何が違うの?/Review PSR-E383 vs E373
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Yamaha Portable Keyboard PSR-E383 Tutorial Video 1 - How to Select a Voice/Song/Style