♪ "Diamond Heart" (A Minecraft Parody of Imagine Dragons - Demons)

Buy this song on iTunes: You can also find the song on Google Play, Amazon and more! This is a Minecraft parody of the band Imagine Dragons’ song “Demons“. Hope you guys enjoy as this is my first time animating as well as making a music video. Huge thanks to Phantaboulous for doing the vocals and Audio Mastering (Channel link below). Also guys and recruits of the SkyArmy please don’t spam about Sky, I love sky too but please keep the Sky comments to a minimum. I’m terrible at lip syncing in animations xD Also no SkyDoesMinecraft, Slamacows or Phantaboulous’s were harmed in the making of this video. :3 -----------------------------------------LINKSSS------------------------------------------ ●My website: ●Phantaboulous (Vocals and Audio): ●TryHardSteve me (Animation and Writing and Directing) χ
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