What Happens When You Quit Marijuana?

When you stop smoking weed, your body changes. This is what happens in the first 28 days of quitting. Quitting Marijuana Podcast: FOLLOW US! Instagram: ​​ Facebook: ​​ Twitter: ​​ TikTok: @AsapSCIENCE Written by: Greg Brown Edited by: Luka Šarlija Clipart by: People are likely watching the Marvel Shang-Chi trailer, or the Jake Paul fight, or Drag Race like us WITH THE MUNCHIES THESE DAYS! I have been thinking about the neurophysiology of quitting weed since being stuck at home, it’s more of a habit. It turns out the brain changes a lot with weed, also there physiological symptoms I didn’t know before, and all the science is not cutting edge. This video goes through the scientific evidence of how your body changes after consuming weed. References: https
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