GRAND PRIX: Ulster motor cycle Grand Prix (1928)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Ulster Motor cycle Grand Prix Full Description: Ulster: SLATE INFORMATION: Ulster Motor Cycle Grand Prix: Won by Graham Walker at a speed of over 80 miles per hour Motor cycles along track, crowds watching / Winners have their photograph taken / The winners congratulated / Crowds / (wobby cameras) bikes along roads / Bikes arriving on track, one being refuelled / Suited men with bowlers standing by track and with bikes / Track and crowds PAN, press box / Bikes along track / Bikes along track past advertisements for ’Polo’ ’ The Northern Whig and Belfast Post’ ’Whitewell laundering dyeing and cleaning’ ’BP’ / Bike attended to, number 58 beginning again, pushing his bike to start it / More of motorbikes along road past crowds Background: Ulster Motor cycle Grand Prix FILM ID: VLVAMUSV98CGM2GMT2MCJ1MSDEBZ To license this film, visit
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