Kids play in hydrant spray (1920)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit A group of children playing in the water from an open fire hydrant Full Description: USA: Unknown: EXT GV small boys in bathing costumes dancing around in water from firemen’s hydrants, crowd of onlookers in background. SV fireman turning on hydrant as boys dance. SV water catching small boy full blast in face. TITLE: “Oose that’s good.“ SV small boys holding his hands to face in ectasy(??), small boys dancing around. children, kids, boys, fun, summer Background: A group of children playing in the water from an open fire hydrant FILM ID: VLVAZFCCN0HG7UJ74AIDLMPF279L To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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