Radar Traps Speedsters (1958)

Full title reads: “Germany. Radar Traps Speedsters“. Hamburg, Germany. LV Radar unit van for detecting speeding drivers. SV Int. policeman sitting in van and pan to radar equipment. CU German Policeman adjusting dial on part of the apparatus; SV Door of van closing revealing panel through which the radar is beamed. SV Int. car flashing past the radar van. CU Radar needle registering its speed. CU Policeman picking up telephone to pass information to the next point. CU Policeman speaking into phone. SV He also jots down the car number. CU Int. policeman noting car’s number. SV Pan, another policeman further down the road lifting up halt sign as offending car approaches. LV Car being waved into the curb. SV Int. car comes to halt the policeman bends down and talks to the driver. SV Policeman asking driver for his licence. SV Int. driver producing licence. SV Director Ebeling talking about situation in Germany’s second largest town and behind him is a wall map with pins all over it. CU Hand pointing t
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