ENGINEERING: Construction of Liverpool-Birkenhead Tunnel (1928)

EMPIRE NEWS NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Construction of Liverpool-Birkenhead Tunnel Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: A Tale of Two Tunnels. The final break-through of the beadings of the Liverpool-Birkenhead tunnel under the River Mersey. The Lord mayor of Liverpool (Miss Margaret Bevan) goes below for the historic event) ENGLAND: Liverpool: EXT Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Margaret Bevan, goes down in lift shaft with engineers: SLATE: 150 feet below the river Engineers drilling and using pick axes on rock to break through tunnel and officials on either side shake hands: Frederick Naylor (Birkenhead Mayor) making announcement: lift rising: Mayors shaking hands: Background: Construction of Liverpool-Birkenhead Tunnel FILM ID: VLVAKS9SUG5BSHG3M0TB113W2TCC To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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