USA: Navy: Sailors from the USS Utah practice abandon ship drill (1929)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Sailors from the US Navy warship Utah practice their abandon ship routine. Full Description: AT SEA: EXT US Navy warships at sea / signal flags being lowered INT Officer on bridge of the USS Utah pulling cord to sound whistle EXT Steam from whistle as it blows SLATE INFORMATION - ’The men of the “Utah“ respond to the alarm with haste but not disorder’ Sailors on the USS Utah hurrying to lifeboat station putting on lifejackets SLATE INFORMATION - ’“Lower away“, a difficult undertaking performed without mishap!’ Sailors on deck as lifeboat is prepared to be lowered / lifeboats lowered / crew boarding lifeboats SLATE INFORMATION - ’Pull for shore!’ Lifeboats away from warship Background: Sailors from the US Navy warship Utah practice their abandon ship routine. FILM ID: VLVAD58AI75ADGBTC8RAR6QKXHJU9 To licen
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