Festival Site (1950)

The Dome of Discovery nearing completion on the South Bank, London. M/S workmen climbing to top of Dome of Discovery. L/S of hole in roof. M/S workmen lay piece of roof sheeting down. C/U workmen riveting. C/U Worker. C/U man drilling holes in roof, he passes on and another man moves in with rivet. L/S man lifting roof sheeting into position. M/S man lifting roof sheeting into position, and starting to lay piece over hole. M/S Man measuring up size of hole for next piece of roofing. C/U foreman picks up and looks at chart writes on paper. C/U writing, he screws up piece of paper. M/S he throws paper to workmen below. C/U head of workman on roof. C/U Man squeezing tube of waterproofing along edge of roof. C/U man gives signal on roof for next piece of roofing to be hauled up. L/S Waterloo Bridge. M/S Men cutting roofing to given size. C/U saw going through roofing. C/U Worker with welding glasses. L/S top of roof. M/S last piece of roofing being put into position, all workers crowd round. C/U hitting
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