Cargo to Russia (1920)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Locomotives loaded onto ships bound for Russia Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Ship Locomotives to Aid Stricken Russia USA: Washington: Seattle: EXT Seattle - Four hundred car loads of rolling stock are put aboard vessels bound for Vladivostock, Siberia cargo, crates, trains, revolution, civil war, Third Russian Revolution, Bolshevik, uprising, aftermath GVs locomotive lowered on to truck by crane. cargo, crates, trains, crane, revolution, civil war, Third Russian Revolution, Bolshevik, uprising, aftermath SV engine chunts up to truck containing locomotive and pulls it back along rails towards camera. cargo, crates, trains, crane, train tracks, revolution, civil war, Third Russian Revolution, Bolshevik, uprising, aftermath SLATE INFORMATION: Into the hold of U.S. Hefron SV locomotive lowered into ship by crane. cargo, crates, trains, crain, revolutio
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