Lady hauled in a barrel (1925)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Woman rides around Paris inside a barrel hauled behind a car Full Description: FRANCE: Paris: EXT FRANCE, PARIS. MLV group of people around barrel, two men and girl standing, men help girl to jump on top of barrel (7ft) SCU girl (13ft) MLV girl slips inside barrel, man puts lid on (21ft) MLV man winding cord around barrel (27ft) LV crowd watching (34ft) MLV barrel on tow behind car, going round and round, men behind holding cord attached to barrel (41ft) LV place de la Concorde, car and barrel followed by two men, bus past in F.G. (51ft) LV place de la Concorde, people around, car and barrel around corner (57ft) MLV car along across bridge, several people behind (70ft) MV man opening lid of barrel, girl climbs out, looking bedraggled, and fans herself with handkerchief. (86ft) stunt, 1920s, Twenties, Roaring Twenties, flapp
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