Fa Cup 6th Round - Sheffield United V Norwich City (1959)

Titles read: “FA CUP 6TH ROUND - SHEFFIELD U V NORWICH CITY“. Sheffield. Sheffield United captain Coldwell (striped shirt) wins the toss against Norwich City captain Ron Ashman at the start of the football match. General view of crowd cheering. Norwich (plain shirts) kick off. Various shots of the match in progress. Russell of Sheffield almost scores a goal but it just misses. M/S of two girls cheering. Russell attempts another goal and this time it goes in over Norwich goalkeeper Nethercott’s head. Boys cheering. Near miss of goal by Norwich. C/U of man clapping hand to head and losing his hat. Another near miss by Norwich. After half time we see two more near misses by Norwich. Norwich goalie dives to save goal and injures shoulder but recovers. Errol Crossan finally scores a goal for Norwich making the final score 1 all. Players crowd round Crossan to congratulate him. Other players seen here include Alan Hodgkinson and Hamilton (both Sheffield) and Terry Allcock, Bobby Br
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