Admiral du Fournet visits Greece (1916)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Admiral du Fournet (French Commander in Chief) visits French Embassy in Athens Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Admiral du Fournet GREECE: Athens: EXT Athens, Greece Title: Admiral of the Allied Fleet at the Piraeus, on a visit to the French Embassy at Athens. (7ft) SV. Open car carrying Admiral du Fournet and other officers, driving past French naval guard of honour, into forecourt of Embassy. (21ft) GV. Admiral walking with Embassy officials and naval officers in Embassy grounds. (31ft) SV. Admiral posing with Embassy official and officers on steps in Embassy garden. (45ft) Personalities - Armed Forces, France, Greece sailors, sailor, vehicle, officer, officers, World War I, World War 1, WWI, First World War, The Great War, war, Louis Rene Dartige du Fournet Background: Admiral du Fournet (French Commander in Chief) visits
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