Famous actors Asche and Nares playing golf (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr. Oscar Asche and Mr. Owen Nares playing a round of golf Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Famous Actors at Golf UNKNOWN: EXT MAIN TITLE (9ft) SCU. The four competitors - including Oscar Asche & Owen Narse sitting on clubhouse steps. (18ft) SCU. The four competitors on green (28ft) GV & SV. Game in progress (2 shots) (37ft) Personalities - Performers, Sport peacetime, postwar, interwar, interbellum, WWI, World War I, Great War, First World War Background: Mr. Oscar Asche and Mr. Owen Nares playing a round of golf FILM ID: VLVAEEBIMF46XEY3T5F7G0B46EF02 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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