FRANCE: Air Race for the Deutsch Cup (1921)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Various scenes at Deutsch Cup Air Race (Coupe Deutsch de la Muerthe) featuring pilot, Joseph Sadi Lecointe Aeronautics (AEROPLANES): Air Race for Deutsch Cup. Full Description: FRANCE: Villesauvage: EXT SV pilot climbs into cockpit of plane. MV young man standing beside aircraft takes a puff at his cigarette. GV monoplane (no. 6) taxis along runway to take off. GV biplane taxiing along runway to take off - Tricolour emblem painted on tail of aircraft, cloud of dust in it’s wake. GV biplane (no. 1.) on ground, propeller at front turning GV biplane taxiing along runway and takes off. GROUND TO AIR bi-plane in flight. It flies from side to side before flying towards and over camera SV pilot sliding into cockpit of plane. GV bi-plane starts taxiing along runway. CU pilot. (out of focus).smoking cigarette KEYWORDS: Aeronautics / Aeroplanes Bac
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