Prince of Wales presents medals to soldiers (1920)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Prince Edward of Wales (future King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor) decorates men of the Royal Canadian Leinster Regiment Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: . Prince of Wales Presents Decorations to Officers and Men of 2nd. Batt. Leinster Regt. (Royal Canadian) at Colchester ENGLAND: Essex: Colchester: EXT SV Prince of Wales accompanied by officers walks past line of troops. SV Prince of Wales presents medals to soldiers, cameramen and lines of troops in background. LS military band marches past. SV Prince walks past crowd lined up in front of building and stands saluting by the flagpole, he is then greeted by officer and they walk off. SV Prince, accompanied by officers walks past line of troops. SV Prince of Wales presents medals to soldiers. LS long lines of troops march past. SV Prince of Wales presents medal to s
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