Neon Signs (1952)

Neon lights bring made in factory in Acton, London. C/U Pile of uncut glass tubing a hand takes length. M/S Man walks into picture with tubing, starts to cut glass tube to blueprint. C/U Hands measuring glass against blueprint. M/S Man putting glass tube over burner. C/U Hands bending glass into a ’U’. C/U Worker blowing down tube. C/U Bending glass by blowing and walking out of frame. M/S Comparing glass to blueprint. M/S Cleaning glass by blowing piece of cotton wool, round tube, with compressed air. C/U Worker. C/U Tapping glass to check for faults. M/S Worker preparing to weld glass. C/U Welding glass with blow lamp and joining neck piece onto tube. M/S Worker closing safety door and walking over to testing bench. C/U Checking mercury in thermometer. M/S Filling tubes with gas. M/S Filling tubes with gas, and sign lighting up in case. C/U Sign lit up. M/S Sign goes out and man takes sign from cage. M/S Signs lit up. C/U Sign ’outsizes’ lit up. C/U Sign ’chase’. C/U Another neon sign lit up. C
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