Like 1984. Original song .

My friend Shea who goes by Jipsi gal heard this and this is what she said, Oh the music video I can imagine behind this! A young boy picking up and finding a coin, then a little dark-skinned (Indian? Spanish? Middle Eastern?) girl on a swing, jumping off and then finding daisies and yellow dandelions (she picks a bunch), before skipping down a dusty path out of the playground… then images of WAR, missiles launching, crowds of protesters, police in riot gear being knocked to the ground, back to the little boy peering through a window before going inside, past two men arguing heatedly by the cash register (maybe over who was first in line?) and to a candy and toy aisle, then to the little girl as she skips past a group of schoolboys harassing a police officer as he walks his beat ducking from the stones they throw, but the little girl moves on past the park, more images of unrest and civil strife, etc. It would end with the little girl giving the flowers to the little boy, he sharing a spinning top with her as they sit side by side on a concrete stoop as the sun is setting… i think someone should make the movie.
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