Hollywood Tricks and Practical Effects

Get ready for a mind-boggling array of movie making secrets without using any CGI or computer effects. In 1994, I made a full motion picture (yes 35mm) that played in theaters all over the world, called “To the Ends of Time“. It was epic. The budget was only 2.5 million. This video gives a glimpse into some of the crazy insane things we did to pull off what most people said was impossible. The paperback about the making of this movie is at and the movie itself is available on Amazon =sr_1_1?crid=1CPBATYC2UNKT&keywords=to the ends of time&qid=1649980765&sprefix=to the ends of time,aps,111&sr=8-1 and the DVD is also available on my website To see more behind the scenes stuff from this movie, see the previous video. Subscribe and tell your friends about MarkusPix My Health channel is See photoshoot images of Cara at http://www.s
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